Monday, 10 October 2011

Work evaluation for work done so far

Level one criteria has been met in my single and group blogs as:
- Planning and research evidence is partially incomplete.
- There is a lot of research and extra research on my single blog.
- There has been organization in characters and plots (which can be sen on both the single and group blog).
- There is substantial work on story-boarding, shot-lists, layouts, scripting and drafting.
- I have been doing work over the past 5 weeks (i have shown time management).

Level Two criteria has been met in my single and group blogs because:
- Planning and research is only partially incomplete (only 2 tasks are incomplete and are soon to be completed).
- There is research into similar products (thriller films) and a potential target audience.
- there was organization amongst actors,location, costumes and props which can be seen on both the group and single blogs.
- There was research conducted into shot-lists, layouts, drafting, scripting and story-boarding.
- I and my group have made sure care was taken in the construction of our blogs (however one or two things are out of place due to technical difficulties).
- i have used time management coming in on my free lessons to work on media coursework (which can be seen by the amount of work i have put into my single media blog and my preliminary task

Level three criteria has not been   fully met because:
- All planning and research is not yet completed.
- There is research into similar film products but more research could be done on potential audiences.
- There was order and organization of actors, locations, costumes and props shown in my preliminary task however more research could be conducted (such as more photo's of new locations could be taken).
- There was proficient work done on shot-lists, layouts, drafting, scripting and story-boarding.
- There is a good level of care and presentation shown in the blog however some things still require movement to make the blog look it's best.
- Overall the time management could be a lot better.

My self evaluation

Completion - 2/4 - I have made sure as much work as possible was completed however i could have used better time management to get the final few things onto the blog in time.

Useful research - 3/4 - I have made sure i have made good technical research written in my won words that shows my understanding of the thriller genre. However i have written quite a lot in text and as such i have a boring looking blog.

Care and creativity - 2 (or 3)/4 - I have tried my best to keep presentation at a high grade however technical problems have caused presentation degradation and will need to be worked on.

Time management - 2/4 - I could have managed my time better working on more group based tasks instead of focusing on my single blog.

I believe i have scored either 11 or 12 marks out of 20 marks.

To improve to the next level i must become better at managing my time and must focus more on group work instead of single work.

I will do this by scheduling my time better, using free periods as independent study time and by keeping up more-so on blog posts made by Mr Barton.

Overall i feel i have done several things well, these include:

- the research i have conducted on my media work i feel i have gone into a good depth of research and have put alot of care into finding the right information.
- The terminology i have used is varied and has improved throughout the blog i now use terminology that is used on a proffesional level and aim to improve this further.
- The amount of work i have conducted so far is in my opinion adequate i feel that i have done enough to meet a high grade standard..

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