Sunday, 2 October 2011

My scene script for my thriller '6 Ways To Kill Your Husband Or Wife'

Mr Barton has asked me to create a scene script for a thriller name of his choice, he decided to give me the name '6 Ways To Kill Your Husband Or Wife' below is the script i created for a scene in the film i have imagined.

Script of scene
(screen begins with the mid shot of Mark coming through the front door)

Mark (husband) : (concealing gun in suit jacket pocket) (switch to close up of Mark's face)  Hello dear how was work?

Patricia (wife) : (preparing dinner) (long-shot used to show Patrica from head to toe) It''s so hard now moms gone i'm all alone in the world no one but you now, i saw her lawyer today it seems we've been left quite a lot of money from all this seems odd i never knew about this cash but it's good news for us! maybe we can take that vacation we talked about?

Mark (husband) : (sitting down on the dinner table with pistol now in hand) (Camera following mark face forward while midshot is bieng used) Yes dear there's a lot we can do together now my dear try not to let your mom's death affect you after all anyone could die at any moment.

Patricia (wife) : (joining Mark on the table with dinner plates for both of them) (Camera following Patricia while mid-shot is being used) yes i guess your right...oh well there's no use crying about it now, i hope you enjoy it dear it's your favourite!

Mark (husband) : (placing gun in lap and picking up cutlery to begin eating) (close up of gun used, then close up of the piece of food on the fork entering Mark's mouth used in close up) Mmmm... pork chop's it's been a while since you've cooked these dear... divine but i'm afraid now ive got some bad news of my own.

Patricia (wife) : (Smug look on face) (close up of Patricia's face used) Oh and what is that dear? the fact i know that you killed my mother?, the fact i know you've got a gun on your lap to kill me with?, or the fact that in less than 30 seconds the poison in that food is going to enter your stomach and your probably going to die yourself?

Mark (husband) : (close up shot used to show the shock on Mark's face) Wha- How did you know?! (face turning to a dark shade of red and purple)

Patricia (wife) : (Mid shot used to show wife walking closer to her dying husband)  I've known the entire time, you really think 5 ex wives all killed in similar manners, the killer never caught? you think i didn't do some investigating? no you've made your bed and now thanks to you, I've got my mother inheritance i'll be out of the country before anyone knows whats happened to you.

Mark (husband) : (falling to knees and clenching throat in pain) (extreme long - shot used to show Patricia standing over Mark while he dies) y-y-y-y-you bitch! (falls dead)
(screen blacks out)

Patricia's voice : You have to ask yourself wondering there really a perfect man or woman out there for you? (opening scene and credits roll)

I believe that my script is Non - linear and is Restricted because throughout the script we know that the man is plotting to kill his wife but we have no idea that the wife has poisoned the mans food, has knowledge of the acts he has caused or is just as twisted and evil as he is, because of this i feel that the script is restricted as the audience holds limited knowledge to what is happening in the scene. I also feel that the script is non linear as this script clearly is the end of the film as the women has gained her revenge and is then talking in the final sentence of the film however the opening scene and credits then roll and the film begins, meaning that the film plays out as the end, beginning then middle and thus is non - linear.

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