Sunday, 2 October 2011

Omniscient and Restricted storytelling techniques effects on the audience

What is Omniscient and Restricted storytelling?
The two storytelling effects known as Omniscient and Restricted storytelling are two different forms of narrative below i have explained each of the effects in more detail :

Restricted Narrative Storytelling
Restricted Narrative storytelling is a form of narrative that is used to keep an audience calm for a portion of a scene and then to suddenly create a sense of shock and mystery among audience this can be seen in many films for example in the interrogation scene in the film 'The Matrix' the situation seems calm and controlled while Agent Smith interrogates Ne yo when suddenly an explosion occurs and the audience is totally caught of guard this is an example of how Restricted Narrative Storytelling is used.

Omniscient Narrative Storytelling
Omniscient Narrative Storytelling is a form of narrative that is used to keep an audience 'in the know' with what is happening in the scene, in other words the audience has a godlike perspective into what is going to happen in the scene and as such causes suspense as the audience waits for an event they know will happen to trigger. An example of this is again seen in the interrogation scene of The Matrix Where we can see that before Ne yo is brought into the room hours before a bomb is placed underneath the rooms table, this gives the audience the knowledge that the bomb will go of while the interrogation is being conducted  and causes suspense because no one in the audience will know when it will happen.

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