Monday, 10 October 2011

Work evaluation for work done so far

Level one criteria has been met in my single and group blogs as:
- Planning and research evidence is partially incomplete.
- There is a lot of research and extra research on my single blog.
- There has been organization in characters and plots (which can be sen on both the single and group blog).
- There is substantial work on story-boarding, shot-lists, layouts, scripting and drafting.
- I have been doing work over the past 5 weeks (i have shown time management).

Level Two criteria has been met in my single and group blogs because:
- Planning and research is only partially incomplete (only 2 tasks are incomplete and are soon to be completed).
- There is research into similar products (thriller films) and a potential target audience.
- there was organization amongst actors,location, costumes and props which can be seen on both the group and single blogs.
- There was research conducted into shot-lists, layouts, drafting, scripting and story-boarding.
- I and my group have made sure care was taken in the construction of our blogs (however one or two things are out of place due to technical difficulties).
- i have used time management coming in on my free lessons to work on media coursework (which can be seen by the amount of work i have put into my single media blog and my preliminary task

Level three criteria has not been   fully met because:
- All planning and research is not yet completed.
- There is research into similar film products but more research could be done on potential audiences.
- There was order and organization of actors, locations, costumes and props shown in my preliminary task however more research could be conducted (such as more photo's of new locations could be taken).
- There was proficient work done on shot-lists, layouts, drafting, scripting and story-boarding.
- There is a good level of care and presentation shown in the blog however some things still require movement to make the blog look it's best.
- Overall the time management could be a lot better.

My self evaluation

Completion - 2/4 - I have made sure as much work as possible was completed however i could have used better time management to get the final few things onto the blog in time.

Useful research - 3/4 - I have made sure i have made good technical research written in my won words that shows my understanding of the thriller genre. However i have written quite a lot in text and as such i have a boring looking blog.

Care and creativity - 2 (or 3)/4 - I have tried my best to keep presentation at a high grade however technical problems have caused presentation degradation and will need to be worked on.

Time management - 2/4 - I could have managed my time better working on more group based tasks instead of focusing on my single blog.

I believe i have scored either 11 or 12 marks out of 20 marks.

To improve to the next level i must become better at managing my time and must focus more on group work instead of single work.

I will do this by scheduling my time better, using free periods as independent study time and by keeping up more-so on blog posts made by Mr Barton.

Overall i feel i have done several things well, these include:

- the research i have conducted on my media work i feel i have gone into a good depth of research and have put alot of care into finding the right information.
- The terminology i have used is varied and has improved throughout the blog i now use terminology that is used on a proffesional level and aim to improve this further.
- The amount of work i have conducted so far is in my opinion adequate i feel that i have done enough to meet a high grade standard..

Sunday, 2 October 2011

A synopsis of my thriller film '6 Ways To Kill Your Husband Or Wife' and finalized script

Mr Barton also asked me to come up with a synopsis for the thriller film showing a beginning, middle and end for the film as well as a brief outline of what is happening in the film.

My '6 Ways To Kill Your Husband Or Wife' synopsis

Patricia Garmore is a woman born into wealth and resource. A good upbringing, a great job thanks to her fathers connections. she seems like a woman who has it all family, future and safety. Unitl she meets Mark hamburg a charming, charismatic man who seems to be Patricia's perfect match, months later the two are happily married until Patricia starts to notice strange occurrences after the death of her father...her husband sneaking out late hours of night, previous marriage records and pictures of dead women in his study...can Patricia best a man who seems to be a perfect ruse? can she overcome her own doubts and face a threat closer to home than she can imagine? 


At the beginning of the film we will see the ending with Patricia bringing a prepared dinner to her husband while he harbours a gun and is waiting for the correct moment to kill her little do the audience know however that Patricia is aware of her situation and has taken the neccasery precuations to protect herself from her husbands wife killing spree. After the ending scene has played out and the final voice of Patricia is heard and the opening scene and credits roll beginning the film, the film then cuts to Patricia going to a high rollers country club for a cocktail party it is in this place that the character of Mark is introduced and the two begin to chat and get to know each other. The film then skips 5 years into the future to the home of Mark and Patricia Hamburg who are know both happily married and give off the allure of a normal married couple they both arrive home from work, eat dinner, watch televisionand then go to sleep until the early morning when Patricia is awakened to find mark driving off to a mysterious location.  

In the Middle of the film we see Patricia arrive work at her high end office and attends a board meeting when she is suddenly called out by her secretary who says her mother has called and that it's an urgent call, Patricia contacts her mother who reveals that her father has been shot by an unknown assailant and has been killed. The film then blanks out to court where we see a fragile looking Patricia listen to evidence being told to her by a coroner at a police morgue he reveals to her that her father was killed with a 9mm pistol that her father owned and was not recovered at the crime scene, and that there also appeared to be an intense struggle before he was killed. This news rings in Patricia's head until she arrives home to find her husband with severe bruising and scratch marks he claims to have been in a fight and been mugged and goes to shower of the blood on him, this causes suspicion in Patricia who begins to look through her husbands possessions in an attempt to find something to connect him to the murder after finding nothing she almost gives up until she spots a glistening metal behind a book in her husbands study finding it reveals it to be the gun that was used to shoot her father. This causes panic in Patricia who places the gun back where it was cleans up and then makes an excuse for going out she ends up in her mothers company and begins to research her husbands past and finds she is not his first wife but one of many long time rich women he has married. She begins to doubt her husband and falls asleep early in the mroning working on finding out his past, she awakens to find her mother killed in the same aspect as her father and  begins to feel her time is running short before her husband kills her collects her fortune and moves on. At this point we see her return home and begin to cook dinner poisoning her husbands food with rat poison, putting on a scared and delicate facade and awaiting his return.

Towards the end we see Mark returning home with the loaded 9mm pistol in his jacket the ending scenes then roll out where it is revealed that Patricia has been looking for a way to do away with her parents for a long time and that Mark ironically done her dirty work as now she can be gone with an inheritance and clear mind before no one notices the body of her parents murderer.

6 ways to kill your husband (or wife)
(screen begins with MARK coming through the front door)
(concealing gun in suit jacket pocket)
Hello dear how was work?
It''s so hard now moms gone. Bless her for leaving us a little something behind.
(sitting down on the dinner table with pistol now in hand)
Yes dear there's a lot we can do together now my dear try not to let your mom's death affect you after all anyone could die at any moment.
(joining Mark on the table with two cups of tea for both of them)
I'll try to for you, i hope you enjoy you enjoy your!
(placing gun in lap and takes a sip of tea)
It is delicious thank you, however, i have some bad news that you should know.
(Smug look on face)  Oh, what's that? that fact i know you killed my mother and that you have a gun on your lap ready to kill me too just like your other 5 dead wives!!!
Wha- How did you know?!
And hopefully the poison from your tea will kick in very soon!
(falling to knees and clenching throat in pain)
y-y-y-y-you bitch! (falls dead)
(screen blacks out)
You have to ask yourself wondering there really a perfect man or woman out there for you?

My scene script for my thriller '6 Ways To Kill Your Husband Or Wife'

Mr Barton has asked me to create a scene script for a thriller name of his choice, he decided to give me the name '6 Ways To Kill Your Husband Or Wife' below is the script i created for a scene in the film i have imagined.

Script of scene
(screen begins with the mid shot of Mark coming through the front door)

Mark (husband) : (concealing gun in suit jacket pocket) (switch to close up of Mark's face)  Hello dear how was work?

Patricia (wife) : (preparing dinner) (long-shot used to show Patrica from head to toe) It''s so hard now moms gone i'm all alone in the world no one but you now, i saw her lawyer today it seems we've been left quite a lot of money from all this seems odd i never knew about this cash but it's good news for us! maybe we can take that vacation we talked about?

Mark (husband) : (sitting down on the dinner table with pistol now in hand) (Camera following mark face forward while midshot is bieng used) Yes dear there's a lot we can do together now my dear try not to let your mom's death affect you after all anyone could die at any moment.

Patricia (wife) : (joining Mark on the table with dinner plates for both of them) (Camera following Patricia while mid-shot is being used) yes i guess your right...oh well there's no use crying about it now, i hope you enjoy it dear it's your favourite!

Mark (husband) : (placing gun in lap and picking up cutlery to begin eating) (close up of gun used, then close up of the piece of food on the fork entering Mark's mouth used in close up) Mmmm... pork chop's it's been a while since you've cooked these dear... divine but i'm afraid now ive got some bad news of my own.

Patricia (wife) : (Smug look on face) (close up of Patricia's face used) Oh and what is that dear? the fact i know that you killed my mother?, the fact i know you've got a gun on your lap to kill me with?, or the fact that in less than 30 seconds the poison in that food is going to enter your stomach and your probably going to die yourself?

Mark (husband) : (close up shot used to show the shock on Mark's face) Wha- How did you know?! (face turning to a dark shade of red and purple)

Patricia (wife) : (Mid shot used to show wife walking closer to her dying husband)  I've known the entire time, you really think 5 ex wives all killed in similar manners, the killer never caught? you think i didn't do some investigating? no you've made your bed and now thanks to you, I've got my mother inheritance i'll be out of the country before anyone knows whats happened to you.

Mark (husband) : (falling to knees and clenching throat in pain) (extreme long - shot used to show Patricia standing over Mark while he dies) y-y-y-y-you bitch! (falls dead)
(screen blacks out)

Patricia's voice : You have to ask yourself wondering there really a perfect man or woman out there for you? (opening scene and credits roll)

I believe that my script is Non - linear and is Restricted because throughout the script we know that the man is plotting to kill his wife but we have no idea that the wife has poisoned the mans food, has knowledge of the acts he has caused or is just as twisted and evil as he is, because of this i feel that the script is restricted as the audience holds limited knowledge to what is happening in the scene. I also feel that the script is non linear as this script clearly is the end of the film as the women has gained her revenge and is then talking in the final sentence of the film however the opening scene and credits then roll and the film begins, meaning that the film plays out as the end, beginning then middle and thus is non - linear.

Omniscient and Restricted storytelling techniques effects on the audience

What is Omniscient and Restricted storytelling?
The two storytelling effects known as Omniscient and Restricted storytelling are two different forms of narrative below i have explained each of the effects in more detail :

Restricted Narrative Storytelling
Restricted Narrative storytelling is a form of narrative that is used to keep an audience calm for a portion of a scene and then to suddenly create a sense of shock and mystery among audience this can be seen in many films for example in the interrogation scene in the film 'The Matrix' the situation seems calm and controlled while Agent Smith interrogates Ne yo when suddenly an explosion occurs and the audience is totally caught of guard this is an example of how Restricted Narrative Storytelling is used.

Omniscient Narrative Storytelling
Omniscient Narrative Storytelling is a form of narrative that is used to keep an audience 'in the know' with what is happening in the scene, in other words the audience has a godlike perspective into what is going to happen in the scene and as such causes suspense as the audience waits for an event they know will happen to trigger. An example of this is again seen in the interrogation scene of The Matrix Where we can see that before Ne yo is brought into the room hours before a bomb is placed underneath the rooms table, this gives the audience the knowledge that the bomb will go of while the interrogation is being conducted  and causes suspense because no one in the audience will know when it will happen.