Monday, 26 September 2011

Insight into the camera positions of the opening of Unbreakable

Researching and watching the openings to thriller films i have started to look in depth into how camera angles are used in the openings to films to describe and set the scene. One of these films is 'Unbreakable' by M. Night Shyamalan below is the report i created for my research into the opening sequence of this film. Below is the opening sequence to Unbreakable and the report i created on the camera angles used.

Media Homework

What does an audience expect when watching a thriller film?

When an audience watches a thriller film they expect to be both captivated into the movie and thrilled by the aura of suspense and mystery that the film wraps around itself. An audience also watches a thriller film for the storyline involved in the film it is for the storyline purpose i found the film i have chosen to watch the opening credits of the film ‘unbreakable’.

How are camera affects used in the opening scenes of Unbreakable?

The camera shots in the opening scenes begin with a series of extreme long shots and long shots to ‘set the scene’ which from the use of the shots can be shown as the backroom of a department store. As the doctor talks to 2 people the camera moves over to a close up shot of the woman and her baby showing both the emotion on the woman’s face at the child and the child wrapped in the blanket itself which is used to show that the mother and the baby are the important characters in this opening as soon as this is shown the shots variate from a close up to a two shot featuring the woman and the doctor and then focus back on the mother showing her giving her son to the doctor once the baby is given to the doctor the shot changes back to the mother asking the doctor to give the baby back and then changes back to a long shot to a mirror to reveal an extra 4 people in the ‘audience’ which shows that the doctor is asking these people questions after the questions are answered t camera changes to a close up shot of the doctor to get the view of the ‘emotion’ in his face it then switches to a long shot again to get in the women the doctor is asking another question to to get the reactions of both the woman and the policeman waiting behind the door and then switches to the doctor from mirror view showing everyone s emotion including him that there is a problem with the baby the mother then leans up creating a close up to show the image and visage of fear and curiosity about her babies condition this shot then moves from her to the doctor again to show the change of emotion that he has it is an emotion of desperation that the doctor has now as he continues to look from the baby to the mother. And the shot changes back to a close up of the mother who is also showing a change of emotion in the form that she is now crying.

What other affects are used in the opening scenes of Unbreakable to captivate the audience?

In the opening scenes of Unbreakable before the scene a page of text appears telling the audience information on comic books from the prices that they can vary from, the amount of illustrations inside an issue, the amount of comic books sold daily in America and many other pieces of information. As soon as the film begins you are set in a department store scene with the sound of a baby crying and a man (who is revealed as a doctor) being brought in. This sets the scene of mystery already as the baby is in need of medical assistance and no one knows why. Although later on the baby is revealed to have broken arms and legs the state of mystery is still present what has happened to the baby later on in life?, Will the baby be okay? And what has caused his arms and legs to break? This opening scene captivates the audience in mystery using the sound of the baby, the facial and speech expressions of the doctor and mother as well as that of the staff when told of the babies condition give the audience questions they are already seeking answers to thus captivating them to watch the film further.

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